Worship Team



“In the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the LORD sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.” (Isaiah 6:1)


Worship will be our lifestyle and through our lives others will come to know, experience and desire God’s love and crave an intimate personal relationship with Him. Our aim is to glorify Almighty God, and also to use praise as a weapon of warfare. We must strive to worship as a team, in one accord (supporting each other, and not seeking personal glory). We must also aim for excellence in all that we do concerning worship (including preparation/rehearsal), to ensure a sacrifice acceptable to Almighty God.

"He deserves our very best." (Matthew 5:48).


1. A devout dedicated believer in Christ as the Son of God

2. Be a 'self-less' worshipper (i.e, not seeking personal glory as a 'performer', but being a worshipper who worships in the Spirit, with all glory going unto God). 

3. A firm believer and disciple of the bible demonstrating practical application of the Word of God.

4. A committed individual.

5. Spirit filled and Spirit-led.

6. An individual of a supportive /team spirit nature.

7. An individual who believes and practices prayer and demonstrates commitment to prayer, by attending calls to corporate prayer at church.


Worship should be a vital part in the everyday lives of believers. It is the essence of our creation. God desires that our lives would reflect the attitude of praise and worship that we profess on Sunday mornings. Jesus is Lord! We desire to esteem His Lordship in every area of our lives.

We view corporate worship as a time for God's people to come together to offer their hearts in worshiping Jesus. He indeed is worthy of our praise! Because of His sacrifice, we have an intimate relationship with the Father. Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to sanctify our lives and to demonstrate the power of God in our midst.

We also see this as a time to corporately hear God's heart and direction for this expression of His Church. In addition to the sermon, this can be made manifest through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. And of course, we desire that all this be done in a proper and orderly manner.